the modern era, smoking is an expensive habit and it should be banned. Especially
in Indonesia, many people are a smoker. We can find smoker from the teenagers until
the old people. In Indonesia many student be an active smoker even they start
be an active smoker when they at elementary school. In cigarette have many
hazardous substances and this is very dangerous for our body and it can kill
our self. They endanger is not to our self but everybody around them. Usually
a person takes up smoking when they are young and the effects that smoking may
have on their health does not enter their head at the time. Within a short
while, they will become addicted to nicotine and it will be too late to give
up. The younger a person starts to smoke, the greater the health risks they
will face later on in life. They didn’t
care about effect for them self or the other people. However, smoking has much
effect for this life.
Firstly, smoking has negative effect
for our body. Much disease when we be the smoker because in the Cigarette has
more 4000 chemical and it will go on to the body after that the danger
chemicals will attack nerve giving rise to much disease. Cigarette is also
addictive because of the nicotine they contain. Cigarette smoking cause a
number of health problem which are expensive to treat. For example; smoking can
make stroke because smoking cause blood clotting in the vein. Stroke cause by
smoking is more danger because the endothelial in vascular usually has weakened.
That cause break greater in the brain. For the other
example; smoking can broke your lungs. Cigarette smoking is the major cause of
lung cancer. It is also responsible for chronic bronchitis. Cigarette smoke
contains many chemicals. In a research, people have proven
that smoking causes cancer. But this doesn’t mean that all smokers will
definitely get cancer or that all non-smokers won’t. It means that smoking
greatly increases the risk of this disease. Smokers are, on average, much more
likely to get cancer than non-smokers. Around 90% of all lung cancer deaths are
caused from smoking and smoking is also the biggest risk factor for a number of
other types of cancer as well. Overall, smoking has been linked to a third of
all deaths from cancer. In the US, 1 in every 4 people dies of cancer and over
half a million people die each year from this disease. To give you a clearer
idea, more than 1,500 people a day die from cancer. However, smoke is not good and has much
negative effect for our body.
Secondly, smoke can make people be the
extravagant people because smoking is an expensive habit. Many people use the
money for buy cigarette. For example; if person has income
Rp.1.000.000,00-/month and he can spend two wrap cigarettes per day and it same
with more a half of the income is using for buy the cigarette every month. This
is can affect income a person and affect welfare the person. In a research,
more smokers are a poor people. In the other research, People who smoke a lot of cigarettes a day are particularly at risk
of developing cancer and if those people have been smoking for a long time, the
risk is even higher. For example, a person who has been smoking one packet of
cigarettes a day for 30 years is more at risk than a person who has been
smoking two packs a day for 15 years. In this fact, smoker can make a person be
the extravagant and the poor people.
Thirdly, smoke has bad effect for the environment
and bad effect for everyone. The fume of the cigarette is danger for the
environment because the fumes cause pollution. As we know together, pollution
can cause global warming. The fumes has bad effect for the other people because
the fumes more danger if it inhaled by other people. It the reason why the
government make a place to smoker, it is solution for minimal effect of
smoking. In a research, People who
smoke a lot of cigarettes a day are particularly at risk of developing cancer
and if those people have been smoking for a long time, the risk is even higher.
For example, a person who has been smoking one packet of cigarettes a day for
30 years is more at risk than a person who has been smoking two packs a day for
15 years. Although, smoke and the fumes are has bad
effect for the environment and bad effect for everyone.
Fourth, Smoking reduces a person's life expectancy from anything from 7
years to 30 years. Generally smokers are less healthy and less physically fit
than non-smokers. In addition, they take more days off work through illness than
non-smokers and are more prone to common illnesses such as colds or sore
throats. Smokers will get out of breath much quicker after exertion and find it
harder to exercise and they will also have a higher risk of infections, as the
body's immune system is damaged from smoking. As well as having long-term
negative effects on a person's health, smoking also has immediate effects on
the body. After smoking a cigarette your blood pressure will rise and your
heart rate will increase by about 20 beats per minute. Carbon monoxide, a
poisonous gas, will enter the lungs and begin to replace the oxygen. The tiny
hairs in the lungs that filter the air that you breathe will cease to work, as
they become paralyzed by the poisons that are contained in tobacco smoke. Circulation,
especially to the hands and feet becomes less efficient and the temperature of
the skin may drop by up to 5°C. Your nervous system will be altered and smoking
can cause muscle tension.
Whatever the reason, smoker is danger.
It not just danger for our body but it is danger for the other people and the
environment. More losses than profits, when we smoke. Smoke can kill our self.
In conclusion, smoke has much negative effect and it is very danger for our
body and the environment.
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